Kathryn Dietz
Kathryn Dietz is an award-winning independent filmmaker whose documentaries for PBS include Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary Pickford for American Experience, China in the Red and Young & Restless in China for Frontline, Time of Fearand CHINA: A Century of Revolution for national PBS, and Getting Better: 200 Years of Medicine for the New England Journal of Medicine. She was Executive Director of Filmmakers Collaborative for four years, and co-founder of Boston International Kids Film Festival. Through the festival she became interested in autism, which led to position as Visiting Artist at Tufts University, her alma mater. Over three years at Tufts she developed a series called “Stories from the Spectrum,” about teens and adults with autism spectrum disorder. She also works with several independent filmmakers as a writer and executive producer and is currently involved in films about Saul Bellow, the Fleischer brothers, Carl Laemmle, and a family struggling with mental illnesses.