Leon Steinmetz

Leon Steinmetz was born in Russia. His career encompasses two fields — visual arts and literature. His artworks are in the permanent collections of the world’s major museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the British    Museum, London; the Albertina, Vienna; the MFA, Boston; the Philadelphia Museum of Art; the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, etc. In the summer of 2016 (July-September), he had his second solo museum exhibit at the renowned State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, Russia. He is also an author & illustrator of numerous children’s books, published by major American and British publishers, as well as books on film, a number of short stories, and essays on art and culture. He taught creative writing and literature and conducted seminars on these topics at Harvard University, Williams College, Radcliffe College, Bread Loaf Writers Conference and other venues. He is Assistant Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in the Department of Liberal Arts.