The Personal Landscape


Start Date






End Date


Meeting Day




This online course features the following types of interaction:

  • Live meetings
  • Live critiques

Explore the art of personal expression through landscape photography. Tsar Fedorsky, a fine arts photographer whose own work draws on images found near home, will encourage students to discover their own visual voice by choosing to take landscape photographs close to home.

Nature is all around us. You don’t need amazing views to create your vision. It is by studying light over a period of time that students can better understand how light affects the feel of a photograph and can dramatically change their landscape work.  Weekly assignments will challenge students to work under a variety of different lighting and atmospheric conditions. Slideshows and critiques will help students develop their editing skills as well as find their individual voice. This 8 week workshop is designed to allow students to experiment and discover what works best for a unique vision.

Requirements: camera with wide to normal focal length, tripod, as well as some knowledge of Photoshop or Lightroom. Film photography is also allowed, if the student would prefer to work with an analog camera. Knowledge of manual camera settings and basic post-production. 

This class takes place online and meets using Zoom.

No class November 27th.

Digital Media Certificate
Excited about Lens-Based Media? This class is part of the Digital Media Certificate.


$575 Workshop

$575 Workshop and Enroll in Certificate Program

Only choose one option.

Choose the Workshop button to register and pay for only the class or choose the Workshop and Enroll in Certificate button to register and pay for the class and also enroll in the certificate program.

Tsar Fedorsky

Tsar Fedorsky is a photographer based in Gloucester, Massachusetts.  She received a Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts in Photography in 2018, was a Critical Mass Finalist in 2015 and 2017 and, received an Artist Fellowship Grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in 2015.  She will be traveling to Brazil this winter as a Fulbright US … Read more