Silkscreen Printing
Start Date
East E201 (Printmaking Studio)
End Date
Meeting Day
Screen printing is an old and versatile process with many modern uses. We present a variety of techniques and contemporary fine art applications of silkscreen printing. Students are guided through the transformation of an idea to printed image and encouraged to take a creative approach. The emphasis is on experimentation, design, drawing, and multi-color printing. Topics include hand-cut paper, film and photographic stencils, and projects provide students with multifaceted approaches to the development of their personal aesthetic.
MassArt BFA students: This course is a Drawing Projects foundation year equivalent.
Contact Academic Resources for more information: ARC@massart.edu
This is an in person class that will meet on MassArt’s campus in the East Building, Printmaking Studio.

Carlos Alvarez
Carlos Alvarez is a Colombian born artist with an MFA in Printmaking/Painting from MassArt, a BFA from Cleveland State University, Cleveland OH, and a BFA in Graphic Arts, from Fundàcion Academia Superior y Servicios Técnicos Industriales, Medillín, Colombia. He has taught printmaking at MassArt, Animation at Universidad Pontificie Bolivariana, Medellín, and at the Facultad de … Read more