Plunder Books
Start Date
Sun 7-9pm; Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-noon–
Kennedy TBA
End Date
Meeting Day
Sunday through Saturday
0 or 2
Declutter, de-stress, and challenge your idea of what an artist’s book is or can be. Plunder books is a fun, spontaneous, and even silly, book-making process using found materials. You’ll be asked to let go of your expectations, follow your impulses, and see how and what can be made from all the random objects you and others contribute to our pile of materials. Your “stuff’ becomes pages, binding, and covers. Bring individual items or collections (a pack of coffee filters for pages or a bunch of discarded CDs, for example). Ideally, we will reuse or use up materials you already own.
Plan to make a few book-objects PLUS boxes or enclosures to hold at least one of the books.
- Only one class per week may be taken.
- Choose either the class alone, or the class with housing. Note that housing does not include meals.
- Discounted rates for housing end February 25
- Check-in (on-campus students): Sunday 2–4pm
- Orientation and dinner (everyone): Sunday 5pm
- First class meeting: Sunday 7-9pm
- M-F Class scheduled 9–4pm (studios are open until 10pm Su and 6am-11pm M-F)
- Lunch 12:30–1:30pm, Dinner 5–7pm, Artists Lectures 7:30–8:30pm
- Open Studio and Celebration, Friday 6-9pm
- Final class Saturday, 9am–noon
- Checkout (on-campus students) prior to Saturday class
Melanie Mowinski
Melanie Mowinski likes paper and what goes ON paper. She likes the visceral and paper becomes a vessel on which she prints, collages, constructs, and more. She draws inspiration from the landscape of her Berkshire Hills home and residencies/travels to places like Iceland, Morocco, Tasmania, Venice, and most recently, from along the Camino de Santiago … Read more