We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.

We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.

This class meets using the Zoom platform on Monday and Friday from 9:30am-12:30pm, and individual meetings by arrangement during the week.

We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.

No class  July 4th. We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.

No class June 19th and July 3rd. We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.

This online workshop uses the Zoom platform.

This course meets via zoom on Tuesday nights from 6-9pm and includes additional online assignments each week using the Moodle platform.  

This class meets online using the Zoom platform.

We urge you, if you are able, to be fully up-to-date on vaccinations, including boosters. Available vaccination sites can be found here.