Illustrated Journals


Start Date





Tower 555

End Date


Meeting Day

Saturday & Sunday



Have you thought about illustrating your life? Do you sketch and make notes and observations in color pens/pencils? Do you enjoy the practice of journaling? Do you think it would be a fun creative habit to establish? In this workshop, let’s combine images and words and pay attention to design, colors and shapes on a page. We will explore various sketching techniques and writing prompts. The sketching supplies are: color gel pens, color pencils, watercolor, ink, decorative tape and other materials. Writing prompts are focused on five senses, everyday observations, childhood memories, short narratives, observations of your kids/relatives/friends/pets and documenting feelings. No previous art experience is necessary.


A beautiful journal of your choice. I recommend a sketchbook with slightly textured papers.
A variety of sketching and drawing supplies.
Please reach out for recommendations.


This is an in person class that will meet on MassArt’s campus.

This class has ended.

Katia Wish

Katia Wish is a professional illustrator.Her work and  sensibilities are influenced by her experiences in both Belarus, where she grew up and the United States, where she has lived as an adult.Her work has been exhibited in galleries throughout New England and she is the winner of the 2011 Tomie DePaola Award from the Society of Children’s … Read more