Generative Design
Start Date
End Date
Meeting Day
This online course features the following types of interaction:
- Live meetings
- Live critiques
This comprehensive 7-week class immerses students in generative design techniques. Beginning with the fundamentals and extending to more advanced practices, topics include an introduction to generative design principles, an in-depth exploration of TouchDesigner nodes and networks, geometry creation, image processing, audio-visual interaction, and interactive media. Students engage in hands-on projects that may include: creating audio-reactive visuals, designing interactive installations, or developing large-scale projection mapping. The class culminates with a final project presentation. Here, students refine their skills through iterative design, supported by weekly references, individualized instructor feedback, tutorials, and peer interaction.
This class meets online using Zoom.
Excited about Experience Design? This class is part of the Digital Media Certificate.
Only choose one option.
Choose the Workshop button to register and pay for only the class or choose the Workshop and Enroll in Certificate button to register and pay for the class and also enroll in the certificate program.

Shozab Raza
Shozab Raza is a creative technologist based in Boston, Massachusetts. He graduated with an MFA in Dynamic Media from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Coming from a background primarily in traditional media, his creative pursuits now encompass fine arts, graphic design, installation, performance, and interaction design. He has collaborated with renowned brands such … Read more