Endless Variations: A Sketchbook Journey


Start Date






End Date


Meeting Day




This online course features the following types of interaction:

  • Live meetings
  • Live critiques

Explore a variety of tools and practices to enhance the gestural qualities of your mark making vocabulary. This workshop will help students get to a more inspired level of mark making, using techniques and tools to make intentional work and express ideas. We’ll be working with a new medium in each workshop, which will inform and promote a rich visual vocabulary. Media which we’ll be demonstrating include charcoal, ink, paint, collage, trace monotype, and resist techniques. This will add variety to your marks and help you become more confident, and enhance the skill level in your drawing. An illustrated lecture will be shown on zoom with each workshop, which will support and illustrate the content of each class. We’ll be expanding boundaries; working with considered juxtapositions of techniques, and work on expanding mixed media craftsmanship.
All levels welcome.

This remote class includes one or two field trips around Boston.

This class is not available.

Diane Bigda

Diane Bigda is an illustrator and artist with a surface design, nature drawing and printmaking focus. Her client list includes publishers such as Chronicle Books, Random House, Simon and Schuster, McGraw-Hill, and Bantam Dell, and magazines including The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, and Gourmet. Diane has also worked with design and advertising agencies such as Arnold Worldwide, … Read more