Documentary Bootcamp


Start Date






End Date


Meeting Day




Documentary Bootcamp is a seven-week, immersive learning experience covering the fundamentals of
documentary filmmaking from pre- to post-production. Participants learn storytelling principles, the
aesthetic and technical skills for image making and sound recording, scripting, interviewing, and editing.
Knowledge and skills are developed through presentations, discussions, at-home or in-community
exercises and reviews. Students will plan, shoot and edit a short documentary film during the class.
Participants use the production equipment available to them in their home environments– from phones
to more advanced video cameras and DSLRs.* Students are expected to know their equipment’s basic
functionality. All registrants are provided free access to Adobe Premiere Pro, which they will need to
download and set up on their computers in advance of the class. General digital literacy is required. It is
highly recommended that students have an external hard drive to store and edit their media. Please
contact the instructor with any questions.
*Limited equipment is made available on a first-come-first-serve basis to students who opt into the
Digital Media Certificate Program.

No class Wednesday June 19th, Juneteenth Holiday and Wednesday, July 3rd.


Excited about Lens-Based Media? This class is part of the Digital Media Certificate!

This class has ended.

Michael Sheridan

Michael Sheridan is a filmmaker and educator who has produced documentary and experimental films for local, national, and international social-issue and cultural organizations. PBS, ABC, National Geographic, TLC, and Discovery have aired Michael’s work as a producer, cameraman and editor. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston Cyberarts Festival and many other galleries have exhibited his … Read more