Digital Tools for Fashion Design
Start Date
Tower 308
End Date
Meeting Day
This course will provide a solid foundation in the digital skills used in the fashion industry to create the “fashion plates” that introduce a line or collection. Through hands-on projects, students learn how to use Photoshop and Illustrator to design presentation boards and fashion collections in flats.
This is the perfect class for fashion designers who would like to add technology skills to their tool set and for beginners who want an introduction to the fashion designing process. Software options for tablets and other mobile devices will be explored.
This class meets on MassArt’s campus with a remote option for students who prefer to attend remotely.
Interested in Fashion Design? This class is part of the Fashion Design Certificate!
Meg Young
Meg Young holds a BA in Art History from Emory University. She is Associate Director of Academic Computing at MassArt. Ms. Young has over 15 years of experience helping artists use technology to make art, and has exhibited at NorthEast SIGRAPH Annual Show, Fort Point Open Studios and CyberArts.