Digital Photography: Post-Production
Start Date
End Date
Meeting Day
This online course features the following types of interaction:
- Live meetings
- Live critiques
This intensive seven-week class develops students’ skills and agility in digital photography post-production. Using Adobe Lightroom Classic, Bridge, Camera Raw, and Photoshop, students learn a streamlined, professional workflow that takes images from camera to finished product. Learn the basics and beyond of powerful, industry standard software and systems, from file management to basic processing to advanced creative editing methods. Topics covered include navigating the Lightroom Classic interface, customizing Photoshop workspaces, importing and organizing images, harnessing the power of metadata, tonal and color adjustments, advanced color correction and grading, retouching, generative/AI tools, targeted local image adjustments and masking, and exporting images for web, print, and photo books. Examples of photographic images from the historical canon and contemporary photography are explored in relation to students’ own work. This, in conjunction with critiques / feedback sessions focused on students’ own digital imagery, promotes development of critical language and image assessment skills.
This online course features the following types of interaction:
- Live individual and group meetings (Lectures, Demos, Work sessions)
- Pre-recorded material
- Live critiques
This online class uses the ZOOM platform.
Monday, April 21st, Patriots Day, No Class
Excited about Lens-Based Media? This class is part of the Digital Media Certificate
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Rebecca Morrison
Rebecca Morrison is a multimedia artist whose practice incorporates photography, video, and installation. She has worked as a commercial photographer, photo and video editor, and arts educator for students of all ages, and has taught at New England College in New Hampshire and Boston Public Schools Summer Programs. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses … Read more