Wesley Bedrosian

Wesley Bedrosian’s work has appeared in numerous publications, including The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalThe Boston GlobeScientific American, Vanity FairNew York and The Hollywood Reporter. He received his BFA in Graphic Design from Kent State University.  After a 5-year stint in corporate America as a house artist for American Greetings, Wes went to New York City where he received his MFA from the School of Visual Arts’ Illustration as Visual Essay Program. In addition to his work as an Illustrator, Wes has worked as a freelance Art Director for the New York Times  Op-Ed Page and Book Review.  He has also taught and lectured at The School of Visual Arts, Pratt, Parsons School of Design, and Montclair State University.  Wes currently lives in Hopkinton, Massachusetts with his wife and two son

Wesley Bedrosian is not currently teaching courses.