Lois Hetland

Lois Hetland is Professor of Art Education at MassArt and an affiliate of Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She was trained in music and the visual arts and taught elementary and middle school students for 17 years. She is responsible for initiating an institutional partnership between MassArt and the Srishti Institute of Art, Design, and Technology in Bangalore and has brought art students annually from MassArt to India on study tours since 2015. In 2017, she is co-authoring StudioThinking in the Elementary School, to be published by Teachers’ College Press in 2018; reviewed arts and education proposals for IES; co-authored a chapter on a participatory evaluation of Art21 Educators (conducted 2010-2012); and is working with Abt Associates to evaluate nine partnerships among community arts organizations, universities, and schools in Wisconsin and Alaska, funded by the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation. She received a BSS in Music and Visual Arts, from Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa; and an EdM from EdD from Harvard University.

Lois Hetland is not currently teaching courses.