Interior Construction Documents
Start Date
End Date
Meeting Day
This online course features the following types of interaction:
- Live meetings
- Live critiques
In the Interior Construction Documents course, students will gain essential skills in interpreting and utilizing construction documents for interior design proposals. They will engage with residential plans, learning to decipher architectural symbols and make informed design modifications based on the information provided in the drawing sets.Throughout the course, students will develop a basic understanding of building structure, mechanical systems, and other critical elements that impact interior design development. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to effectively collaborate with architects and engineers, ensuring their interior design solutions align seamlessly with the overall building framework.
Interested in Interior Design? This course is part of the Interior Design Certificate Program.
Only choose one option.
Choose the Workshop button to register and pay for only the class or choose the Workshop and Enroll in Certificate button to register and pay for the class and also enroll in the certificate program.
Carolyn Lowell
Carolyn Lowell is a former mathematics teacher turned designer, works at ARC (Architectural Resources Cambridge), a firm specializing in creating meaningful spaces in fields ranging from health and wellness to the performing arts and science. Her journey to architecture started with renovations at her home in Boston and continued with an M.Arch. degree at MassArt … Read more